Wunderpop! @ Made-by-Rae!

09:59 Unknown 0 Comments

I have been looking for a way to show examples on how to use our ribbons directly on garments & Accessories, buuuu the problem is that between planing and making Designs for new Collection, being Mom and Wifey it can take me days... weeks and months before I can sit in whole calm to plan and then decide and then sew something to show to the world.

Soooo I asked lovely Rae from Made-by-Rae if she would fancy to help me out a bit to make some of her amazing (my personal world favy) Garments for the patterns she makes and use our Ribbons to decorate them & show you guys some real cool, modern and elegant Stuff which you can make with our Ribbons. AND TADAAAAA HERE'S WHAT'S UP! Hope you like them!

Pierrot Tunic with Ribbon Deko find the Pattern HERE!

The pattern to the "Lazy Day Skirt" can be found HERE

Some of the Ribbons used:
Fliegenpilz Skandinavia in blue
Forrest Friends
Magical House Band
Fliegenpilz Skandinavia in green

Oh and an extra tip! Rae just launched sewing Patterns for Women the "Washi Dress Sewing Pattern" which you can find HERE!



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